The Virginia LGBTQ+ Bar Association

Contact us

General inquiries should be directed to

Membership inquiries should be directed to  

Law student engagement and law student membership inquiries should be directed to

Submit programming ideas and questions to

If you need help with a technical aspect of this website or have suggestions for improvement, please email (we're working on the color issue).

Please note that the Virginia Equality Bar Association is a voluntary association of full-time legal professionals and students. While we endeavor to answer all inquiries promptly, please allow a minimum of 2 business days for a reply.  

Payments should be mailed to 

Virginia Equality Bar Association
c/o Bary Hausrath, Esq., Treasurer
P.O. Box 13890
Richmond, VA 23226

Correspondence other than payments should be sent to

Virginia Equality Bar Association
c/o Glenn Ayers, Esq.
Lafayette Ayers and Whitlock
10160 Staples Mill Rd
Glen Allen, VA 23060

(c) 2016 Virginia Equality Bar Association

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