The Virginia LGBTQ+ Bar Association

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  • GMU Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic

GMU Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic

  • 24 Feb 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Johnson Center, Room G19 ("Gold Room"), George Mason University's Fairfax Campus (4400 University Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030)


  • This option is for attorneys who have not attended a VEBA training in the last two years.
  • This option is for attorneys who do not need to participate in the training. You must have both attended a VEBA name change CLE within the last two years and worked with at least 3 name/gender change clients during the same period. Please note that by choosing this option, you are indicating that you have sufficient comfort with the subject matter that you are willing to help with cases involving minors, motions to seal, answering other lawyers' questions, etc.
  • This option is for students of George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School (use your address)
  • This option is for students of any law school other than George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School

    Students with addresses should NOT use this option. Use "Law Students (Mason Patriots, CLE+Clinic)" instead.
  • For VEBA members with prior clinic experience who are unable to participate in-person and on-site, but are able to assist with seeing clients virtually on the same day. Open to attorneys and law students.

It's time for another day of service to our community!

The clinic will assist clients with name change applications, administrative and judicial petitions for gender marker changes, birth certificate corrections, DMV and social security record updates, DD214 updates (military discharge records), and answering related legal questions.

Registration Options:

CLE + Clinic: The training is expected to be approved for two hours of MCLE credit. Training begins at 10:00 a.m. on George Mason University's Fairfax Campus in the "Gold Room" at the Johnson Center, on the ground floor in Room G19. Following the training, lunch will be provided courtesy of OutLaw.

Clinic only: A brief clinical operations training session is required for all participants beginning at 12:30 p.m., followed by two 1.5-hour client appointment windows. Clinical appointments will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m in the Student Union Building I (SUB I) a short walk from the Johnson Center.


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OutLaw at the
George Mason University
Antonin Scalia Law School.

BaryLaw  GMU LGBTQ+ Resources Center 

Client signups are available here. Please help spread the word!

What clients say:

"I am very appreciative that this service exists."

"It was wonderful to have this service available to us! Hats off to all of the volunteers!" 

“The legal clinic was a godsend. I didn't know what to expect and I was blown away. I left with an exact list of what and when I needed to get things done to do a name and gender change for my teen.” 

(c) 2016 Virginia Equality Bar Association

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